Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tinned spaghetti, soft toilet paper and Hanna Montanna!!

I think we have the staples all packed. We fly out tomorrow afternoon for yet another round of stem cells. This time I'm taking my daughter Sabine and Mum and will be hiring a carer in Delhi, her name is Nora and we've spoken over the phone a few times, so hopefully it goes smoothly. We are staying 4 weeks.
For the first time I'm actually stuck for words, I've retreated into my emotional cave in anticipation for what is install before me. Think my spirit is tired before I've even begun this round.
Theres a song by a Nickelback called 'If today was your last day' I really like the words...'whats worth the price is always worth the fight'....
I'll keep you updated as I go. Thank you to those who have continued to send positive emails, text messages and phone calls over the last 3 months since my last trip, I know life gets busy for everyone and your thoughts are appreciated.

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