Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another day in paradise ;-)

Sabine and I at the Taj Mahal

It was a long day but it was worth it to see the look on Sabines face. Who better to see The Taj Mahal with, a monument to Love, than my beautiful daughter (and my mum too)

Ok, enough of the mushy stuff! Every morning I've been receiving injections in both shoulders and on Sunday I had an injection in the palm of my hand, near the padded bit of the thumb (if that makes sense!) which was rather an unpleasant feeling but lets hope it helps. Dr Ashish injected my face yesterday this time about 1cm above the corner of my lips (each side) hopefully this will make my smile a bit straighter. On my first trip I met a guy from Perth, Matt and his mum Marilyn and he is here at the moment for his 3rd round of treatment. Marilyn mentioned to me that she noticed my face had changed, it looks different, so thats good.

I've been working with the OT each morning which has been great, shes really working intensly on my hands and my face (its a bit like shes massaging my cheeks and it makes Sabine laugh with the funny faces I'm pulling!)

I'm still doing the same routine with Shivani and in the afternoons too, standing at the wall and reaching up as high as I can, then kicking a ball while standing (I gave to hold onto something) then walking.

I'm told that I will go for a procedure this week probably just a 1 day. Nothing else to report, no news is good new, I guess. Oh..there was one thing yesterday we had journalists from CNN and ABC TV and a couple others for a press conference as Dr Geeta is releasing a book on her findings from 75 spinal patients, I wasn't part of the interview because I have MD and really I'm discovering this treatment works much better for spinal patients, its only a 'bandaid' for someone like me, but at least this bandade has 'The Wiggles' on it so every time I look at it, it makes me smile and I have hope. You just can't bend over and take it every time life tries to screw with you and life has a way of challenging everyone, I have to remind myself constantly of that when I feel like a little girl stamping her foot who just bloody wants what she wants.

So far mum and Sabine aren't sick wooohooo!!

1 comment:

Mariette said...

Hi Claire, Sabine and Valia,
Great photo in front of the Taj, girls!
It sounds like Sabine is being a great support and it must be nice to be together in this journey of Hope.
I am thinking of you everyday and pray that God's Grace will carry you.