Saturday, February 28, 2009

Adjustment to home life

I can't believe I've been home now almost 4 months. The adjustment home has been a challenging one for me. The moment i hit Perth soil i ached to return to India, to my safety, my routine, my treatment and my fight for a better quality of life. It was lovely to see family, friends and especially my daughter Sabine, but underneath my heart was still in Delhi. Because of this, i became bit depressed leading up to Christmas and made some unhealthy choices for myself. I was lucky enough to meet a lady (Diana) who helped me with physiotherapy twice per week for a while, which was great. I tried linking into the public system but they don't work one on one with clients and i wasn't able to join a class. Eventually i decided to work with a physiotherapist near home and that has worked out fantastic. We meet twice a week for 1 hour. In between I practice my walking and do the exercises i can manage. My body has stabilized so far and I'm making slow progress. I have to keep reminding myself that its taken me 22 years to get where i am physically its not going to change back in 6 months! But for those of you who know and love me and who i have driven nuts about wanting 'more''ve just got to suck it up and live through it with me!!! The end result of unnecessary stress the last few months and resulted in me getting 'shingles' this week, I've been sore and itchy but more determined to keep my life simple and focused on my goal.
Which leads me to my next big thing, returning to Delhi. Unfortunately money is not going to fall on me from a great height, so I need to start fundraising and this week (I'm making this statement public so you can all hold me accountable!) I'm going to start looking for a venue to hold an event and hold a silent auction too, so if anyone has something of interest they can donate for auction I would be very grateful.
Next time i write, it will be with details of an event......!

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