Ok, bear with me while I explain about the washing man. He's a bit like the phantom, we know he exists but no one quite knows when he'll turn up or what he'll turn up with! We often walk around asking each other if they've seen washing man and you can guaranteed he's just been or still coming and he'll arrive Indian time, which means you have no idea!
I started Friday morning with physio. Dr Geeta turned up and the atmosphere always changes when the 'boss lady' is there, we are pushed a little more and try things a little differently. I had a really good physio session, noticed certain muscle groups are bit stronger. Dr Geeta watched me walk and made some suggestions, I need to remember to shift my weight from one leg to the other before stepping, relax my shoulders more, breathe, concentrate on lifting my toes and dont swing my legs...ok...so she wants me to do this all at the same time, being a woman I know I can multi task, but how much can a koala bear!! Lots more practice to do.
Fridy afternoon we went shopping, then came back to do yoga, after we went to an Italian resturant for dinner, it was Andrews last night.
Saturday morning i didn't perform very well at physio, i think i did to much the previous day and was fatigued, even the physio noticed i wasn't as strong. I tried on my foot supports again, i seem to continue having difficulity with them and its frustrating me.
After physio the nurse told me i'd be having my first IV of stem cells. I was looking forward to seeing how my body would react. About an hour later my body started to ache all over but specifically those areas of my body that are the weakest, Michelle rubbed my feet and lower legs to ease the pain. i said to her 'haven't we done this before' remembering when i had scapula fusion surgery and she rubbed my lower back until i went to sleep. I slept for several hours and woke up at 5.30, feeling a little better but still aching. We went down stairs to have the usual saturday night dinner get together. It was one of the carers birthdays and he brought cake, so of course i had some and the sugar rush made me feel better for a while, that and the McDonalds, which normally at home i'd never eat, but my body is over eating curry already. I feel like I'm in an episode of Survivor India, 'your challenge if you choose to accept it is to survive on curry for 60 days curry' :-)
Today is sunday and i'm taking it easy, will probably get together later and play cards to pass the time, still feeling quite tired and want to be running on all six cylinders for physio tomorrow morning.
Hey Claire, the best is yet to come....you are doing sooooo well. I'm just glad someone inspired the proceedings with that yummy chocilate cake! You look great, go easy and gently with yourself and know that our love and thoughts are constantly with you. Much love, Gyps and Aunty Grace xox
P.S The "i" in chocolate is because it's made in India:}
Hi Claire,
You look like you are doing really well and try to remember that these are early days and walk before you run!! I know patience is not one of our strong points but I think endurance and patience coupled with Faith you will run this race. Love you heaps and thinking of you every day with prayer and blessings sent your way.
Love Aunty Mariette xx
Hey Bear
Yes i have been reading your blog and only just realized I could post something on here ..HA
Sounds like it really is working thats awesome.....
Great to see you walking with the frame. You still owe me a dance at the wedding so save some energy for me.. ha love ya baby bear and remember when you really think you can you can but if you think you just cant that's when Jesus can. keep praying and asking his blessing we are all building relationship TOGETHER
Hey Claire :)!! ... One thing I notice in your pics is that you ALWAYS smile. This is a good thing, 'little miss sunshine'!! ...
Roger's Tip-Of-The-Day: Remember "the joy of the Lord is your strength" ... want strength???, release Joy!! (it's a spiritual thing!) ... you don't have to 'feel' it ... so even if you don't 'feel' strong, believe (in faith) that you are ... it'll come!! ... Oh, and don't forget to speak to the mountain (problem) not about it (be real tho!). Nag that sucker day and night!! Belt it with the Word until it whimpers and runs!!
Hope you find the mysterious washing man, man. Know what you mean about the curry ... I had an Indian staying with me all last year through Bible College ... Mmmmmmmmmm! ... gotta love the smell of curry in the morning!! ... NOT!
I've aquired my new car ... I hope it meets your approval ;) ... It's a Toyota Celica 1991, BURGUNDY (if that colour's ok, lol???)
Cheers smiley :)) ... have a good one, and don't eat too much Maccas or you'll come back like the Michelin Man!!
Rog xx
Hi Claire, thinking about you today and sending lots of love your way.
Jackie PMS
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