Saturday, December 12, 2009

4th and final procedure

Laying in bed the other night with Sabine by my side I thanked her for coming with me and being such a great support, I apologised for being grumpy sometimes but I'm human and I make mistakes. I know every parent thinks there child is the most special, but just work with me for 1 minute, I said to Sabine 'out of all the little girls in the world how did I get the one that was the most special?' and she responded ' Because you have a disability mum God knew you needed someone just like me' Out of the mouths of babes. Both mum and Sabine have worked really well, we've had our ups and downs but that's to be expected, I love and appreciate there support :-)
On Wednesday we went to the other hospital for my final procedure which was an epidural catheter into my back for 2 days. I was wheeled into theatre, transferred onto the table, rolled onto my left side and curled up into a tight ball 'assume the position' I was thinking. As you can see in the picture the catheter was taped to my back and a port was put at my shoulder to administer the cells. Once back in my room I layed on my back for 4 hours with 2 bricks under the foot of my bed to elevate me. I love it when we discuss the 'brick measurement system' with other patients, how many bricks did you have 1, 2 or 3!
Because the procedure was shortened by 1 day Dr Ashish gave me more cells each time. Sometimes I could really feel pressure building up in my head like when you are landing in a plane. The first lot of injections focused on my middle section and it was almost like when you get a stitch playing sport in my chest and tummy, but this passes after about 5 minutes, so I'm not worried anymore.
In the evening I rolled onto my right side, then the next day my left side then the grand finale was on my tummy. Each time I lay still for 2 hours after the cells had been injected.
They have taken a slightly different approach this time and I'm so grateful that Dr Geeta and Dr Ashish try something new with me. I've had a lot more injections this time, 2 in the morning 2 at lunch and 2 in the evening focusing on my shoulders, biceps, triceps, hands, face etc Injected directly into my veins and each week I've had an infusion, plus the 4 procedures so you know what, I think my cup is full!
When I return home I need to be more careful riding my bike. As excited as I was that I jumped 2 levels I actually had done some damage to my calf muscles so luckily now they are feeling better, I'm so stupid sometimes I just got excited that I could do something new and pushed myself to much. So I'll focus on lighter level and less time, physio 3 times per week, hydrotherapy 2 times a week and OT once a week - think that should cover it!
I actually feel different coming home this time. In the past I haven't wanted to leave but I feel like I've grown in some way, maybe because i understand how it all works and I'm giving everything I can. I've had some small changes in my shoulders and I'm so excited about getting home, living life and letting the cells grow.

Sabines performance Nutech Mediworld

On Friday Nutech Mediworld celebrated its 3 year anniversay. Dr Geeta put on a huge party, the Prime Ministers wife was invited and the staff put on dance performances. Sabine was asked to dance and said yes. I was worried that she'd get stage fright....oooh not my girl, she had the crowd cheering for more, every time she wiggled her hips they cheered louder, she was amazing and I was so proud of her confidence. I've had nothing but praise for sabines ability to fit in and hold a conversation with any person of any level. In fact when the staff come to check on me the next question is 'where is Sabine'? Several have suggested to me that I can't return with out bringing her back with me. Here is just 1 minute of her performance.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lollies or Chocolate?

Picture of Sabine helping the nurse take my blood pressure.
I had my procedure on Monday as planned. I was wheeled into the theatre to see Dr Ashish and he asked me which shoulder I'd like to have injected, how on earth could I make that decision, I wanted both arms!! It was like trying to choose between chocolate or lollies! He went on to explain that he would be injecting both but just 1 shoulder at a time, ooohhhhh, alright then! So I decided on the right. Dr Ashish injected through my underarm and as he hit the nerve I could feel my hand jump. He then injected the local anaesthetic and then followed with the stemcells. It was all over in 15 minutes. I was put back in my chair and taken to my room where I had to lay on my left side for 1 hour. My arm was so numb, just like when you've been asleep on it, 2 hours went by and it was still numb, I started to worry abit. I waited another hour and still couldn't move my arm or feel anything so I called the Dr on duty and she explained that the anaesthetic would last for 8 -10 hours! I didn't go to physio in the afternoon and just decided to rest, I felt quite wobbly on my feet even though it was my arm that was numb. It actually wasn't until the next morning it felt better. I think it will be interesting to see what changes occur over the next few weeks after this procedure. Tomorrow I will be back into theatre for another procedure, this time on my left shoulder. Next week I'm on the theatre list for a 2 or 3 day procedure at the other hospital. I found last time 3 days was exhausting so Dr Ashish is thinking 2 days will be better. Its not like I'm missing out on less cells as they are injecting more this time than ever before, intra muscular and also large injections just straight into the veins.
So I guess the question on every ones lips, 'are you feeling anything'? I walked today a little further (no burning at all in my calf muscles or spasms in my left calf) and Shivani has introduced a new exercise where I stand and put my hand on a wall wheel. I wanted to put a weight on it today as I'm just pushing the weight of the wheel which is very little, but she said no, so I asked for just a little bit more weight for just 5 repetitions instead of the whole 10, but she said no, so how about just 5 more pushes of the wheel to be 15 and she finally said yes!
I think my right shoulder is getting a bit stronger, but that's while I'm here and getting the cells the real test comes when i get home back into life doing more things for myself and no stemcells.
Todays Wednesday and I'll take Sabine to yoga when she returns from school, she just loves yoga so looks like I'll have to find classes when we return home.
Thank you so much for the emails and comments on my blog, its so wonderful to have contact from home, I appreciate it more than you realise xx